Ford Repair: no heat in suv, fuse panel, coke bottle
QuestionQUESTION: I recently replaced my thermostat and flushed my radiator and also clear all my hoses out and I still have no heat. Instead of replacing the blend door can I just unhook the air compressor cause it keeps coming on and producing cold air. How do u unhook the air conditioning?
ANSWER: first, i need to know what kind of vehicle this is ??? thak you -b-
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QUESTION: 2001 lincoln navitgator sorry about that.
Answerfirst be sure you purged all the air from the cooling system. this can be tricky on that engine. second, disabling the a/c compressor will not help as the reason the compressor runs when the heat is on is to dry out the air unless the air temp is stuck in the cold position. you can disable the compressor numerous ways, there should be a fuse panel under the hood, one of the relays is for the a/c compressor. remove it or if you open the hood follow your a/c lines you'll be looking for the a/c accumulator. it's black, about the size of a coke bottle. there will be a switch attached to it with a two wire conector, unhook it.