Ford Repair: 2002 thunderbird climate control, electric solenoids, engine coolant

QUESTION: Works fine on full heat or full a/c
Ran self diagnostic, but got no codes.  Could hear doors open and close.  When starting car in morning with a/c on, ambient temp air blows until I reach exactly same location in about 4 minutes, and a/c blows cold from there on.

In summary, either full a/c with no temperature choice, or full heat with no temp choice, depending on what temp you set on the dash. Change point seems to be around 80 degrees.  Above heat, below very cold.  Car is in southern Florida.

ANSWER: does this vehicle have dual cliate control ??? if so is there any difference in temperature when driver's side or pass side are set to the same temp ?? ie.. if you set driver's side to 75 and pass side to 75- does either side feel warmer or cooler ??-- the most common repair for what your esperiencing to to replace the dual climate control valve. located in engine compartment, controls coolant flow to help adjust high and low air temperatures coming out.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Just did a test.  Set driver side to 70 and passenger to hottest.  Cold air on driver and hot on passenger.  I can give you specific graph of set temp vs actual temp at duct outlet if you want.

ANSWER: set both sidess to 60- compare exiting air temperatures. repeat procedure setting to 70- then 80 and so on and let me know

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: 60 degree setting both sides
L 46          R 52
L 52          R 56
L 53          R 62
L 55          R 65
L 102         R 105

judging by your readings on the 85 degree spot, still inclined to believe your having a problem with your dual coolant control valve. here is a description of what it does,
The dual coolant control valve regulates the flow of engine coolant to each half of the heater core. Two electric solenoids, which are individually actuated by the DATC module, are the control elements. Based on inputs from the DATC module the solenoids cycle open and closed to regulate the coolant flow to the heater core. The solenoids can be cycled at different speeds by the DATC module in order to maintain different temperatures for each half of the heater core. Under certain conditions when heating is not required, the dual coolant flow valve will bypass the heater core by closing both solenoids and routing the coolant back to the engine cooling system. The valve contains five ports:
if the potentiometer in this valve is faulty, it doesn't know hot or cold, it just knows on or off. should you bring it to your local ford dealer they will probably receive codes for this that you can't retrieve by doing a manual self test.