Ford Repair: AC harnass 2005 mercury sable, auto salvage yard, mercury sable

AAmco in Richardson "repaired" AC 1yr and 4 days ago -yesterday stopped blowing cold for 4th time -told it was broken AC harness/clamp -compressor plug will not stay in. AC blows but warm, musty air. Have checked with 2 Ford dealerships -NAPA -lkq -autozone and noone has heard the exact verbiage "ac harness". What do I need to get? or Do?

if it's just a broken harness end at the compressor, they are correct that it can't be bought seperatley. my suggestion is to locate an auto salvage yard and tell them you just need the connector end to the a/c compressor. it would take them 2 seconds to cut it off an old compressor. there are only 2 wires to this connector and can be spliced back together by just about anyone. it is not uncommon to break this connector taking it of, it is very fragile. should you need further help, please feel free to ask.