Ford Repair: 96 Ford Contour leaking coolant, coolant temperature sensor, ford contour

Hi Sam!!  I have a 1996 Ford Contour I have had a couple of years now, and since I have had it the water temperature gauge has remained just this side of red when warmed up.  I have had 3 different mechanics check the temp, and it is reading at 196 degrees which they say is normal.  In the last few months, the amount of coolant in the overflow tank has been slowly going down.  I keep an eye on the temp gauge and the tank.  One time it got hot, and before it overheated I had to stop, let it cool down, and add almost a gallon of coolant (I forgot to check it before I left home...)  I am smelling a hot coolant smell when I use the car.  I have no white smoke coming from the exhaust AT ALL, so I don't think it's escaping into the engine, but, I can't find a leak.  Any thoughts on where to look, and do you think it would be wise to replace the coolant temperature sensor, it's been suggested that it is reading higher than it should.  Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to help me!

Trish, my guess the smell is coming from the overflow tank as the temp. is getting higher and the coolent is leaking/going into the overflow tank.  I would to change the thermostat/coolent temp. sensor and insure that you're buying the OEM spec. part for the car.