Ford Repair: 1993 ford tempo 4cyl., ford tempo, master cylinder

hello, i replaced the left rear brake line only.the fluid filled up the line then i closed bleeder screw and pressed brake pedal with engine off.fluid leaked out where the line connected to bottom of master cylinder. i took line off to re-do the flare i had made.i guess the flare was a bit off centre. at this time i was surprised to see that fluid did not leak out of master cyl even though the line was removed. i made a new flare(centred better) and re-installed line. meanwhile, the master cyl is still full of fluid(when it leaked on first try, i topped it up). i then left(second try) bleeder screw open, but now the fluid won't flow into line, even with leaving the cap off the master cyl. i gave it close to an hour ,fluid level in mast. cyl stays the same

Paul, based on my understanding from your email, check the master cylinder opration.  It seems that something is preventing the fluid from going to the line.  Check the plunger operation and insure that the matting surfaces betweent the line and master cylinder are clear from depries.  Additionally, check how the flare is mating up with the cylinder connect.  Make sure that opening are lining up for clear fuild flow.