Ford Repair: 1997 ford tauras mph drops while driving, vehicle speed sensor, ford tauras
I have a 1997 Ford Taurus. When I’m driving and press on the gas, the speedometer goes from 65mph to 0 mph. The RPMs are going or seems to be idling, but the speedometer is going crazy Sometimes it will kick in and the needle will go to mph that I am driving and then it drops back down to 0 while driving (I get a jerk or a pop and then mph goes back to the actually speed then it works fine. Also sometimes I'm driving down the highway (going about 65) and the needle on the speedometer will just drop down to 0. Eventually it kicks itself back up but begins to jump up and down and it seems as if I’m not getting any power.
I also noticed then when I let the car heat up for a long time I don’t have this problem it when I have not let the car run for about 20-30 minutes that this happened occurs. Please help me I’m worried about driving my car with my children I need to find out what it could be. I don’t have much $$$ to waste on unnecessary repairs. Thank you for all your help.
From: A worried single mother.
Answerhey there. this is a typical issue. there is problable a problem with the vehicle speed sensor, or the wiring, this controls aot of things and will cause drivablitiy issues as well as a dropping of speedometer. have the wiring checked and if that is ok then replace the sensor, this should solve your problem.
good luck
Chris P