Ford Repair: 1999 ford expedition ac repair, compressor clutch, ac repair
QuestionI have 1999 ford expedition and the ac will cool good but then it will start blowing out hot air. Can you help me, i tried gasing it up but that didn't change it. Could i have be doing it wrong."
Answerneed to know when it is not cooling is the compressor clutch engaged-if not you could have a bad cycling switch or the airgap between clutch drive plate and pulley may be to wide-try running it until it quits cooling then check driveplate on front of compressor it it is not turning tap it with a hammer or wrench and see if it engages if it does you will need to pull off front pulley and remove a shim or take one out and put in a smaller one-if it don't check power and ground on front clutch if you have both and not engaged you have a bad clutch coil. follow up. mark