Ford Repair: Ranger No Start, crank sensor, volt meter
QuestionQUESTION: 1999 Ranger 4.0L auto 2WD 130k cranks but no start can hear fuel pump run and plugs are wet no spark at plugs
ANSWER: you could have a crank sensor problem basically not telling pcm and module when to fire-could have a bad coil-pcm failure although not common does happen-pcm relay could be bad-it you don't have test equipment-scanner, volt meter, access to specs and wiring diagrams then it might pay to have someone actually diagnose the problem then you could fix it if you wanted to. keep in mind though if i diagnose a car for a customer and it is wrong or don't fix the car if they done the repairs themselves i DON'T give money back for the diagnoses but if i performed the repair and it didn't fix the problem then i would not charge them for the repair and would recheck my diagnosis and go further. good luck
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for the response regarding the 1999 Ranger 4.0L auto 2WD 130k cranks but no start the Ranger now starts and runs - no parts were replaced - it sat for two days in a cranks but no start condition - any ideas what would cause this or do I just need to see if this reoccurs and go from there not looking forward to being stranded somewhere away from home
QUESTION: 1999 Ranger 4.0L auto 2WD 130k cranks but no start can hear fuel pump run and plugs are wet no spark at plugs
ANSWER: you could have a crank sensor problem basically not telling pcm and module when to fire-could have a bad coil-pcm failure although not common does happen-pcm relay could be bad-it you don't have test equipment-scanner, volt meter, access to specs and wiring diagrams then it might pay to have someone actually diagnose the problem then you could fix it if you wanted to. keep in mind though if i diagnose a car for a customer and it is wrong or don't fix the car if they done the repairs themselves i DON'T give money back for the diagnoses but if i performed the repair and it didn't fix the problem then i would not charge them for the repair and would recheck my diagnosis and go further. good luck
Answertake battery cables off and touch them together that will clear all codes in ecm (it may idle erratic or even stall some when restarted) because that also erases idle memory-this should reset on its own after driving some. then next time it acts up get it scanned immediatly after you get it started. that way you may have something to go on.