QuestionQUESTION: Hi James
I own a '66 Ford Mustang Convert. And after two yrs. in the restorers shop I finally drove it in a parade and brought it back the next day to him due to: Over-Hearing.
James,I had an electric fan in it with a three core aluminum radiator. Fuel injection,everything is brand new.
We decided to take out the elec. fan and install a regular (not elec.) The needle on the temp. gauge was pointing pass center to about 3/4 on the way to HOT !
We also are installing a shroud with the fan.
James what's your take on this most important matter. Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks James
Ray M
ANSWER: Ray, a very commonly overlooked part is the thermostat. I am sure that you changed it out, but just in case change it. There is not too many things that would make you run hot. Other than bad ignition timing or a bad gasket/head, check the water pump. How does the circulation look? You say 3/4 way, but can you still squeeze the radiator hose. If so, we may be looking at a faulty sensor.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi James (I'm still a Newbie)
James, what do you mean I should be able to squeeze the radiator hose?
Please explain if you will.
And doesn't the themostat(s) come in different degrees of openning ?
The themostate funtion is to do what in the radiator ?
And the radiator cap comes in different poundages right? Why?
James, your the teacher and i'm the student. I'm in your hands.
Ray M.
AnswerSqueezing the radiator hose lets you know if the system is under pressure. As the temperature rises, so does the pressure. The thermostat is suppose to open at a given temperature. When it is open, it allows the coolant to flow freely. They do come in different temperatures, but stock is best until it hits that temperature it is closed allowing the engine temperature to reach an optimal level. The cap vents as it reaches over the optimal pressure. Caps do come in different pressure levels but typically it will be the same. It is trial and error to a certain extent to get something other than stock. Just like the thermostat, stick with a stock cap.