Ford Repair: loud noise when I turn to the right, inner tie rod, steering linkage

QUESTION: I bought a used 2005 Ford Escape in August of last year, since then I have had to do alot of traveling for work.  During one trip, I noticed that when I turned by car to the right (almost at any time including high and low speeds) it would make a loud roaring sound that would go away instantly when I adjusted back to the left.  This has been fairly constant for a few months now and I'm concerned about what could be causing the problem. I went to a mechanic and was told that it was my brakes. Rust on the rotors and what not that was causing the problem.  I allowed him to replace my breaks but it did nothing to fix the problem.  What do you think is going on with the car and do I have any recourse to get a refund for the unnecessary brake job?

ANSWER: Hello CJ, Does the noise occur on a sharp turn ? if so It may be the steering linkage touching the stopper which does not allow the turn go past a certain point. The noise can be toned down or stopped by putting a grease or thick lube on the ends of the stopper when is located on the steering knuckle or spindle. That is where I would start 1st. Thanks Tony

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No, it isn't just with sharp turns. It happens whenever I make a turn to the right even if its sharp or just to adjust in a lane. It sounds like it's coming from the tires not the steering wheel.

Hello CJ, Have you had another repair shop look at it ? I would suggest to get a 2nd opinion on the noise, It could be in a strut bearing, strut, spring or a ball joint if it does it when changing lanes. possible it could be a inner tie rod or steering gear also. With a noise it is best to hear to get that feel for someone who works on vehicles every day. Thanks Tony