Ford Repair: Stalling, ford bronco, battery connections
QuestionHello Dennis, I have a 95 Ford Bronco the has started to stall on my while driving. After 10 minutes or so of driving, the engine starts sputtering, then dies. Sometimes it will start up, sometimes it wont. A brand new fuel pump and filter have been recently installed to try and stop the problem, didn't work. Cap, plugs & wires were installed a couple years ago, then we parked it (Didn't need it). The truck was running fine before we parked it. Any ideas on what could be going on?
AnswerFirst suggestion, check all the grounds at the battery, and on the block. Make sure the battery connections are clean and tight. Checking codes is a good idea, and may lead you to the problem area. I am thinking there may be an issue with the ignition module and/or the pickup inside the distributor. If you find a code 14 or 18, this leads most times to the distributor pickup and/or ICM.