QuestionChanged pickup coil, placed #1 piston tdc, timing is 10 deg BDC, rotor is align with #1 plug. After accelleration truck backfires could it be something in the emission, besides myself
AnswerPlease clear up something for me: the backfire happens while accelerating, or when you let off the gas pedal?
If it backfires on decel, or foot off the gas pedal, you might have a problem with the air injection control valve, also known as diverteror bypass valve. In this case, check all the vacuum lines to the air injection. As I csn recall, these lines are yellow, black, and the vaccum supply is red. Any leak in this part of this system may cause a backfire.
In the event the backfire is on accel, then you may have crossed plug wires or a lean condition. You do know that on this Ford #1 cylinder is on the right bank?