Ford Repair: 93 Ford Explorer Brakes, eddy bauer, home mechanic
I have a 93 Ford Explorer Eddy Bauer, 4.0. I need to replace the brake Master cyl, (leaking) and flush out old fluid, (very dark). I have a new master cyl and a Motive products power bleeder. Based upon what I saw in Chilton, seemed like an easy job. When I checked Haynes, they warned that any air in the system will get trapped in the ABS control module. I have done brake work before but not on a car with ABS. My past experience suggests that even with bench bleeding the master that a small amount of air is likely to get in the lines during the swap.
Is this a home mechanic job or am I going to create more problems for myself.
AnswerIf you have 4 wheel ABS and not Rear ABS, there is a tool that is used to bleed the ABS that is probably not very common in most shops. You may be able to bleed the brakes normally and end up ok, but bleeding the ABS is part of normal brake bleeding procdeure. If you have RABS, normal brake bleeding is usually sufficient, and there is a bleeder on the RABS valve, on left frame rail.
Anytime you are not sure or comfortable with an auto repair, best to have that done professionally when possible. Especially with a system as important as brakes.