Ford Repair: Heat Controls 1997 Ford Ranger., cold knob, luck chris
QuestionMy heat in my 97 Ranger went out a few months ago. I've checked all of the obvious problems that i know how to i.e. thermostat and heater core. The supply and return lines to the heater core both get hot when the thermostat opens up so i have to figure that its working okay. I've read about a lot of problems with the blend door in this truck but they always have problems with having constant heat as opposed to cold air. I did change the, for lack of better terms, back of the hot/cold knob, thinking that maybe since it went out in the summer that it might have just been stuck on cold there. I'm at a total loss and i can't find anything explaining the heating system in a way that i can understand it. Any help at all will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Answerhey there. if the heater core hoses are getting hot then it is not due to a lack of heat. You have to check the operation of the blend door. if the blend door is not moving than you will either stay in cold or hot. attached to the blend door there is a motor. in the center of the accutaor there is a spot to put in a 1/4 inch ratchet end in it, try turning the blend door manually from that point. You may have to remove the actuator to move it freely. if it is hard to move then it is a problem with the blend door. if the actuator does not move than replace the accuator. let me knowhow it goes, good luck
Chris P.