Ford Repair: tps sensor, mass air flow sensor, mass air flow
Questioni have had the mechanic replace the same tps sensor 3x as of today in the last 4 months. today i had him hook the computer up in front of me. "tps sensor inconsistant with maf/map sensors." today he replaced the tps sensor again and it is still not turning over until you tap/pump the gas and when you back off it stalls out 98% of the time but idles low(below 500 rpm's)the other 2%. what can be causing this as i highly doubt each tps he has replaced has been faulty? what is my next step?
Answerhey there, if the computer has a code for inconsistant tps. that does not mean the tps is faulty, at that point the resistance in the tps sensor should be checkd from closed throttle to wide open trottle positions. I dought the TPS has been the problem everytime as well. the wiring to the sensor should be shecked and as well as the inputs and outputs to the maf and map. the problem you are having sound more like the maf ( mass air flow sensor) try unpulgging the mass air flow sensor and if it starts and stays running but rough then that is your problem. let me know what happens, good luck
Chris P