Ford Repair: diagnose my car?, clutch plate, coil heater

QUESTION: Crap ... I think my mom's car's motor just expired. help?
we are hoping it is the battery ...

my mom has an 88 ford escort.
I am sorry I don't know any other specs than that, I am completely ignorant when it comes to vehicles.

but if it means anything, almost every single part is brand new except the paint job.

here are its symptoms:

--takes 3..6..10 tries to crank
--when cranked up, makes horrible grinding sound and popping sounds (like cars in the "old" days do in the movies)
--dies after about a minute. on next attempt to crank, makes horrible grinding and straining noise.
--will not start now.

Is it her motor or battery?
we only have $201.63 in the bank account. we can't get it fixed. sigh.
life sucks so bad right now.

ANSWER: It was not the battery that caused your problem. Unfortunately it sounds like you have broken your timing belt. This is not the hardest fix, and could be done with the money that you have. However, it is not an easy fix either. There is also the possibility that my diagnosis is wrong giving the info you provided. I don't think that it is, but I wanted you to know that. It would help tremendously if you told me what new parts were installed, how old, and why you had them replaced. You should be able to find a mechanic, not a garage, to replace the timing belt for that amount of cash.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I am really car ignorant so forgive me, but I think these are some things she said she has replaced (because the car is old, they just needed to be fixed over time)

timer belt was recently replaced
new clutch (clutch plate, pressure plate)
barings? berrings..bearings. I don't know what those are.
distributor cap
Ignition coil
Heater coil?? (it was called a "pig's tail" by the mechanic)
A new starter
A new um.. the thing you put your key in. The actual little piece that goes in there. I don't know if that is THE ignition. (sorry I really don't know what it is. lol reading that sounds really dumb.)
Various valves, wires, pistons, caps

THX for trying to help

If the timing belt was recently replaced, you have one of two other problems. The most likely is a faulty intake gasket. The other probable culprit depending on miles on the engine would be a defective cam. However, if it was the latter, you would have noticed a problem before. Check the oil for water, and the coolant for oil. This is a pretty good indicator of a intake or head gasket failure. Perhaps the best would be a smell of antifreeze when it ran. What do the plugs look like?