Ford Repair: Ford Taurus Transmission, ford taurus, luck chris
Question2001 Ford Taurus, 190k miles, traveling on interstate at a steady 70mph, car stuttered and downshifted into 2nd or 3rd gear(3300rpm at 40mph). Transmission will not shift thru gears when moving forward. Pulled off interstate, no fluid leaking, nothing smelled/looked funny. Shifts into/out of P/R/N/D, will move in reverse normally, just not shift out of 3rd when in drive. Fluid fine. Drove home at 40mph not shifting. Any suggestions? I know I'm pushing my luck with the milage, but want to check anything I can before taking it to a shop.
Thanks for any direction you can give.
Answerhey there.
when a transmission will not shift when in drive , and stays in one gear, that means the computer for the transmssion detected a fault, (either electrical or mechanical,) and decided to put the transmsion in "limp mode", limp mode is there to prevent any further damage to a transmission. the only option you have now is to have it diagnosed and determin then whether you would like to fix it or not.
good luck
Chris P