Ford Repair: ford focus zx3 2001 Zetec Engine 2.0, ford contour, tooth count
QuestionQUESTION: i have a ford focus zx3 my starter got burn for some reason got wet and now is useless i`m struggling on finding the same starter, a friend told me i could buy a starter from a ford Contour 99 he told me it will fit perfect on my car . could you help me i want to be sure it will fit my car
ANSWER: No, those are not the same starters Although they may appear the same. I had no problem finding a starter online through 3 different parts store outlets online.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: i had no other choice i baught this starter i had to get the car working the mechanic just place this contour 1999 starter on my car and it works perfect, now my questions is since the starter is not from the same model will this affect my ford focus zx3 2001 functions in a future ? i`m thinking maybe this starter has less power or less durability ?
AnswerWow!!! great job, the interchange didn't say it. Your friend knows his Z-techs. Most of the time a starter's main requirement is position and tooth count. If the starter sounds right, roll with it. The amperage may be different, but I cannot see any long term problems it would cause. You have certainly found a good parts supplier. The warranty would be the only issue I can see long term.