Ford Repair: How To Change Battery Cables.., ford ranger edge, haynes book
QuestionHello, I'm a Young Male Adlut on a very limited budget and am trying to change my battery and the cables, for the upcoming winter. I need to find a step by step description on how to do this. I am limited in my mechanical abilities, but not completely limited. I've done this before once, but i really don't want to screw anything up. I've looked in my haynes book and it makes sence, but all the wires are covered (or so to seem to be) and lookes to be connected in to onther place where i'm not comfortable toching anything.. wither it's stock from Ford, or someone not knowing what he was doing... Any Help Wolud Be Greatful!
I have a 2001 Ford Ranger (Edge). 4.0L 6cyl. Automatic 2WD
AnswerDetailed instructions will be in the Haynes vehicle service manual available at just about every parts store. You can also go down to your local library and make copies of their index of Mitchell service manuals which tend to be much more detailed. As a rule of thumb, always remove the ground cable first, and install it last to prevent grounding out the positive cable when attaching to the battery.