Ford Repair: electrical problem with Bronco II, ford bronco ii, 1988 ford bronco

I have a 1988 Ford Bronco II 2.9 V6. It has a problem that I or my mechanic can not solve. Ex: Last week I drove to a local bookstore about two miles from my house. On the return trip (about 1/2 mile from home)my car died (this is infuriating because it has happened to me several times before). It will absolutely NOT restart until it sits for 10 or 12 minutes. After I got it restarted it made it almost to the house before it died again. I coasted into the drive and called my mechanic. He came over the following morning and it started right up.We took the identical route to the bookstore again. After leaving the bookstore we drove past the spot where it died the day before,on past my house and all around town for another hour or so. The Bronco never missed a beat. I didn't get back in it for another week or so and it died on me while driving around the block ? Any ideas ? oh yeah, when it dies you can spin the starter forever and it won't restart. It apparently isn't getting gas.  It has to sit for a few minutes and then it will restart. It also has yet to die while my mechanic is with me. Please help. This problem has been going on and off now for over a yearI. I really like the little Ford but I won't drive it unless I can depend on it. Thanks! Dave

hey there, it sounds to me like you have a fuel pump seizing up. do you have a tendancy to drive it with under a 1/4 tank of fuel?  when you run a vehicle and it dies due to a lack of fuel that is the fuel pump over heating, start with that and let me know what happens
good luck
Chris P