Ford Repair: my 1995 crown victoria door ajar light wont go off, door latch, luck chris
QuestionMy driver door has to be slammed really hard for the door ajar light to go off. just recently the latch isnt catching, however it will close if you push the latch up with your hand but the door ajar light on the dash wont go off and the interior lights stay on which drain my battery. what can i do to get this fixed and how much will it cost?
Answerhey there, there is a switch inside the door latch that is inside the door panel that causes the door ajar light to stay on, this is a typical problem with some fords. they should charge you no more than an hour to install this part and the switch is between 20 and 30 dollars. no if you are also having problems with a latch it may be a good idea to replace that as well. if i remeber correcty, when you purches the latch it comes with a door ajar switch, because it is screwed into the latch assembley, good luck
Chris P