Ford Repair: water leak, 2007, ford
Question2007 ford taurus se 51000 miles passenger floor board wet.where should i start looking?cabin air?or maybe windshield.
AnswerWater may have entered the blower motor fresh air intake.
You would need a splash shield installed along with a new right side cowl screen if the one on your car is warped. This is explained in a TSB that was issued for your problem. The cabin filter may show signs of being wet as the water enters the air intake at the front right corner of the intake tower lip. If you do have a leak into the air intake tower,it may not show up in a standard water test. This type of leak occurs more in heavy rain,when the car is being driven and with the blower motor fan on. You may also need a technician to install a new blower motor resistor.
Also,you may have a e-vap drain gasket leaking. This is the gasket that seals the drain tube to the bulkhead. This type of leak shows up more when the car is in use,with the a/c compressor on and being driven or parked on a sharp uphill pitch. If this information has helped you, please rate my answer and nominate me for expert of the month.
Thank you,
Drew Young