Ford Repair: O/D light flashing, auto transmission fluid, ford mustang gt

I was recently comming back to Oklahoma from South Carolina and the O/D light started flashing on my 2006 Ford Mustang GT when I was in Tennessee. The transmission ran normal the whole way back to Oklahoma and shifted correctly as well. The O/D button even worked correctly and it's still running normal, but the O/D light flashes when I get up to about 70 mph.

I ran the codes and came up with a P1703 and P1780. Any idea's on what would make the O/D light flash?

Would the light start flashing when the auto transmission fluid needed to be changed?

hey there. this OD light flashing ususaly indicates an internal fault inside the transmssion, either electronically or mechanically, unfortunaty i do not specialize in tranmssion work so i dont know those codes of the top of my head. regardless the best place to take any transmission concens is your local dealer, It may be something minor, good luck