Ford Repair: overheating, 1971 ford bronco, ford bronco

1971 ford bronco-rebuilt-302 about 3000 miles ago? starting to run at 220 was 190. replaced thermostat but still runs at 220 and does not cool down to normal temp 180-190?what else could I check. Does not have any leaks but afraid might start some running at high temp.any suggestion would be helpful. Thanks Mark

does it go over 220 if not guage may be off-what temp stat did you put in it i would try a 180. if you have a 190 or 195 in it then normal temp would be around 200-210-radiator cleaned and make sure fan shroud is on vehicle and at least 50/50 mix of coolant and water (i'm sure you have already done this but i have to mention it) you can can have temp sensor tested to verify or not accuracy