QuestionQUESTION: pertaines to emission problem at purge solenoid or cannister, can you tell me or have a pic of where these components are located. and what are the chances of this code being for one component or the other.. most likely to be ...the solenoid or?
ANSWER: probably a purge solenoid but i don't guess i check them sometimes its not the solenoid. i can't post a picture here i don't have one but go to a local shop have them print out a location page for you offer them a dollar-ink/paper/program and time cost them so a dollar ain't much
if a customer offers to pay something most of the time i won't charge them for a little info it's when they don't offer i ask.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: 97 escort 2.0 auto with 89k
with a tune up:
spark plug gap they give a range is it best to go smallest gap or largest?
air filter stock replacement or like a k&n for better performance and mpg?
what is your best tip for improving milage , my escort is around 26 doing stop and go if I can get it up to 28 it will help my budget. I deliver papers with this car and I had a 95 suzuki sidekick that got 30-31 and its already like a$15.00 difference per week at $2.35 gal
Answergo with smallest or in middle gap
stock replacement but good quality like a wix-or motorcraft
k & n oil can get off of filter and onto mass airflow causing problems
do not put bosch spark plugs in that car
change to mobile one extended oil in it and move your oil changes to around 15,000 miles or go with amsoil order online or find a dealer
either will help engine and mileage-don't even bother with blends i won't name em but they are everywhere. good luck