QuestionQUESTION: I have a 1996 f150 4.9L... After the engine sets over night and cools down and on cold mornings. It starts fine, then about a min into idling the check engine light comes on starts shaking (sometimes dies), once the check engine light goes out the truck engines fine and no problems through out the rest of the day unless I don't drive it and the engine cools off..... Also if for some reason i don't let the engine warm all the way up and drive it if the check engine light comes on while im in drive the engine con't to run.... if i give it gas it starts to die and will not go anywhere until the light goes off anf it runs fine from there on out... Thanks for the help
ANSWER: Well, her her warmed up, with the light off. Take the truck to your local parts store for free. Always go there when the light is on, immediately. Sounds like a mass Air Flow Sensor, but the codes will reveal the true problem. Let me know the code numbers if you have any other questions please
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have a scanner and have used it the only code that popped up was the spark
output valve was stuck open after talking to a local dealer they said that was
the idle air bypass valve on the trottle body so i replaced that.... that code
went alway and i also replaced the air intake temp. sensor that screws into
the intake manifold..... My truck does not have a mass air flow sensor (that
would be located in the intake air box or piping correct????) Also the check
engine light only comes on for about 10-15secs....(and while light is on puffs
black smoke, idles rough, no power when giving gas) Is there another place
to look for a mass air flow sensor??? Also everytime i plug my scanner in the
only feedback that comes back all the time in " engine can't maintain idle at
low rpms" Thanks
AnswerI uploaded a picture of the Mass Air Flow sensor for a 1996 F-150 w/4.9. Is it possible that your truck is not a 1996 model and is a late 1995. That would explain why you cannot find the MAF.
The MAF is located directly after the air filter.