Ford Repair: heater core replacement on a 93 mustang lx 2.3 auto., heater core replacement, air filter oil

How do I go about replacing the heater core on my 93 lx? I have replaced them before on older vehicles.

Also my hoses can be squezzed together with my fingers and with the cap off, the radiator makes a gurgling sound. I think I need to replace the hoses. I just bought the car and it had been siting forever.

I started with the air filter, oil and oil filter, next will be the plugs. I also have to change the rotors, they have some serious grooves in them.

the dash will have to come out and that procedure is to long to type here but if you want to go to a local garage that has alldata or mitchell and see it they will print the instructions for you it should cost 5 dollars or less you will find it is well worth it for you and those programs cost about 200.00 per month or more for the shop owner.
or since you are fixing this up you can go to go to the diy section and buy a one year subscription for that car then you will have all kinds of repair info and specs at your fingertips as you need them.
good luck.