Ford Repair: 1992 Ford F150 Surging, ford f150, pcv valve
QuestionMy '92 F150 (with a 302 automatic) surges under acceleration at both low and high speeds. For example, after shifting into 2nd, unless I'm really soft-peddeling it, the engine will hesitate/surge maybe 3 times before shifting into 3rd. It will act the same if I'm accelerating on a ramp entering the freeway, only in 4th gear. At steady speeds this is not noticeable. Do you have suggestions on what to check?
Thanks very much.
AnswerStart with a tune up. Spark plugs, wires, cap, and button. Couldn't hurt to replace the PCV valve and fuel filter as well. Is the check engine light on? If so, do you know how to retrieve the stored codes? See what codes are stored, it sounds suspiciously like either the TPS.