Ford Repair: 1991 Ford Taurus SW - alternator? Fuel pump??, windsheild wipers, ford station wagon

1991 Ford Station Wagon, 3.8l?

Car seems to "hesitate" at times, I'll be driving along and it'll do this, then be fine, then do it again. No problems with starting or stalling ... does this sound like a fuel pump issue, or a spark plug issue??

Second problem: yesterday, I noticed a small "squeaking" sound coming from the front passanger side of the car - thought it was the windsheild wipers making the noise UNTIL the next time I drove it - the "squeak" was VERY noticable, and coming from the alternator, or something very near it.

This morning on my short drive to work, I didn't notice it at all, but I had the defrost on (it seemed to stop making the noise the previous day when I turned the heat on?)

Could these two issues be related at all, or two completely different things??

if squeaking noise is related to problem it will be cam synchronizer causing it. located rear of engine above transmission under wiring harness i have seen a lot of belts and tensioners replaced on account of these going bad and making noise. but will cause running problems also.