Ford Repair: Problems with ac/heater?, lock cylinder, question thanks
QuestionQUESTION: Hello, My problem is with a 1997 ford escort lx now this is what happened my friend put the battery backwards so it blew the main fuse but i come to find out the ac/heat is not working also my horn and the wipers dont turn off the battery light is on and the air bag is on. OK now i have change the alternator and the battery light and air bag are not on anymore but the wipers are still not stopping,the horn not working and the ac/heat did work right after i change the alternator but only worked for little while now is not working anymore can you please help me i just bought the car and i need to fix it in order to get it inspected.
Thank you for reading my question.
ANSWER: first check all fuses in and out of car-wiggle key and see if air comes on if so probably bad ignition switch-not key and lock cylinder but switch
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks but it didnt work The wipers are stuck on. They will only stop if the fuse is removed (this also kills the heater and air conditioner).have any idea.thanks for your quick response.
Answeri do not see in the wiring diagrams where these two circuits would interact with each other so they must be feeding back through a circuit or bad ground-if you don't visually see anything take it to a garage and have it checked out be sure and tell them what happened. good luck.