Ford Repair: Electric cuts out when key is in the start position, starter solenoid, solenoid

 After replacing the starter/solenoid on my van I have encountered an issue with the ignition cutting out when key is turned to start position.  In the on or run position all components come on but when the key is turned forward to start everything cuts out including lights, dash, etc. and vehicle goes dead. With key in on position I can hear the whine of the pump but as soon as key is turned it cuts out and there is no noise, no lights, nothing, but release the key and lights turn back on.  What on earth could be causing this to happen?  Is the new starter bad or is something else wrong?  Is is a bad install, maybe something unhooked or a relay needs flipped?  Please help I am really confused here.  Thanks in advance!

First I would like to apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I had some families issues that required attention and was away from my computer for a few days. Double check your connections at the solenoid. It sounds like either the a bolt is loose, or perhaps the solenoid itself s defective. Tear it down as if you were replacing the solenoid. Double checking every connection, for any damages to any of the wires. That is, if the problems only arose after installing the solenoid.