Ford Repair: 2000 Ford Contour SE, ford contour, vacuum leak

I have a 2000 Ford Contour SE. I just recently replaced the plugs and wires, but my car continues to act odd. I had them hook it up at Autozone on their computer for a readout and it said 3 different things, one of which was a vacuum leak supposedly.
What is happening is it feels like it is cutting out. I have noticed it gets sluggish and when the RPM's are up to about 2 it bogs down and drops down to 1...just like it is dragging all of a sudden. I am a single grandma trying to raise a 3 year old on a VERY limited income and I need to know what to look at here first. The mechanic I have been going to said Autozone's little computer things aren't accurate either, do you know anything about this as well? Thanks for your help!

First I would like to apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I had some families issues that required attention and was away from my computer for a few days. The computer/scanner that parts stores use is very accurate. It is the interpretation of the codes by the parts clerk that can be inaccurate. If I could get you to go back, and get a print out this time of all the codes stored in your computer, that would be great. My guess is that the clerk saw a bank one or two lean, and interpreted it as a vacuum leak. That is possible, but with your symptoms described, a dirty fuel filter is more probable. When you get me the codes, I can be a lot more helpful. Thanks for your patience.