Ford Repair: jeepwrangler4.0, panel trucks, dick head
Questionthanks for taking the time previously to answear my cam and crank timing issue.This was embarrising for me because i am ase certified in engine performance and brakes but i was losing my mind on this one after i pulled it back apart i could not find anyting i had done wrong but it sounded like it was one eighty out and it wouldnt start this one doesnt have a distibutor but does have a drive off the cam for the oil pump where the distribtor was and a cam sensor on top turns out you have to take a toothpick and insert it through the body of the oil pump drive and align it with the hole inside and then drop it back in the block the mother fucker fired write up!this one kicked my ass!i spent five years working on one ton panel trucks and this was 9 years ago so to say im out of the loop is probably a understatement!I went to you because the jeep guy just downloads pages out of the factory service menu.By the way i totally agree with you about most people not having a clue i am trying to get away from side work the averagr person has no ideal what it takes to turn wrenches.I can think of no other proffesion that you have to know so much and get paid so little and by they we want you to supply your own tools at 50,000 cost.thanks for taking the time to answear my question as i know you probaly have to listen to dumb ass cusomers or a dick head service manger flat rate sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks!my email address is
i am glad you got er going it can be embarrassing when one gets to you like that but we wouldn't be techs if we didn't get those from time to time-also thanks for letting me know what it was-i've been doing this since 77 started as a floor sweeper at a dealership-moved to lube rack for three years at 4.55 per hour-within a year i was doing line work but still getting 4.55 per hour-had to quit that service manager to get moved up-now i own my own shop thanks to the lord and i promised i would never treat a tech the way i was but i have had some really bad ones-i supply all tool kits and specialty tools-we don't work saturdays and close early so they can go to church on wednesdays-i am losing one today he is going to teach automotive at tech college-going to miss him he was really good-but i know what you mean i have had some bad svc managers-and we get some really out there customers. hope things go well for you on the side work. gotta go to work.