Ford Repair: 1995 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Edition, ford explorer eddie bauer, explorer eddie bauer
I just purchased a 1995 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Edition and something is draining the new battery overnight. I am not sure whats causing it, as soon as you put the charger on her she starts right up. The battery is brand new and hadn't done this when we went to look at her. I have no luck with an answer from the previous owner as to why or if it did that to him and I am looking for a non costly way to fix her!!
We charged her last night ran her a little and than brought her back and waited for a while and she had no problem starting, but this morning she wouldn't start. Any suggestions??
Answerhey there, the only thinf you can really do, is have a draw test done, this will let you know if anything is staying on that shouldnt be, If you want the procedure for doing this yourself let me know, other wise i beleive a licensed tech should be looking at this.