Ford Repair: 97 ford e250, shift/interlock elec problem, ford e250, hazard lights


97 e250 Ford, 4.2 liter, auto trans, 178,000 mi.

I hooked rear tail/stop lights to rv system for towing purposes. I connected them to the van lights wiring directly, they worked ok. I then decided that was a bad idea and got separate magnetic lights and used them.

I towed van 200 miles. It was ok a couple of short trips. Then I  experienced an inability to shift into gear after starting engine.

Overcame by moving gear selector to neutral to start, then shift and drive. So far, so good.

Used vehicle for several days by using above tactics,. then found I had  no brake lights

After finding out about no brake lights, found blown fuse and replaced. I checked the other fuses and found them all to be ok.
Still have both problems.

Checked brake light actuator switch on brake pedal and found no voltage. Disconnected the damn buzzer and kept working and scratching my head. No results, quit for the night.

Next morning found battery dead.

Charged battery and supplied a live circuit to brake pedal switch. still no brake lights but the shift interlock would release shifting lever.

Big problem now. Starter will not engage, anti-theft light now blinking on dash, and hazard lights now blink semi-continuously.

I tried to give proper sequence to my actions and realize that I may have compounded my problems.

I once encountered a problem with the security system not letting it start but cannot remember how to reset the system.

Help please. I have spent two hours looking for remedies online to no avail.

I am thanking you in advance for any guidance you can offer

I am a retired person who has always done 90% of my own automotive work.
Have been electrician 35 years and heat and a/c contractor 16 years and consider myself very good in the trouble-shooting end of my business. However I am really stumped on this one.

drowning in confusion  

sorry didn't realize this one was yours as i was answering in order-
will have to check up on antitheft as i don't know how  you set it off but be sure you used original key and not an aftermarket one. will provide follow up as soon as i can-a lot of fords have to go to dealer to be reprogrammed if we can't figure out what caused it to set.