Ford Repair: OIL PAN REMOVAL, negative battery cable, ranger oil

I have a 1988 Ford Ranger 2.3L,EFI, A model. I have removed both motor mount bolts, transmission nuts, Starter, Negative battery cable and jacked up the motor. I have removed all 22 bolts from the oil pan and now I cannot get the oil pan to maneuver around the Transmission housing and Crossmember for removal. Is there a special trick or something I am missing that is keeping it from comming off? PLEASE HELP.

what are you removing it for i may have a trick for a couple of things
email me at [email protected] put in subject line ranger oil pan
then give me a number and name where i can reach you-if it is to replace gasket pan don't have to come off-to replace pickup screen or clean out  sludge it don't either. email me i will check at lunch today and tonight after i get home.