Ford Repair: 2000 f150 4x4 6 cyl. flareside, fuel pressure gauge, constant run
Questionhow are you. thanks for taking my question. it will not start. i cant hear any pump noise during cranking. it did this about a month ago. was ready to tow it and then it started. but it is not starting now. do failed pumps do this? is there a prob with relays or fuses or wires in this model? any tricks i need to know in replacing pump or pumps?
Answerim good thanks for asking, the pump should only kick in once for a second or two and not come on regardless of how many times you turn the ignintion to the on position, this is because the pump turning on gives the engine enough pressure untill started then the pump goes on to a constant run. to properly check this you will have to attach a fuel pressure gauge to the fuel rail, and you should also be checking for spark, if for some reason the fuel pump is fault, try hitting to bottom of the tank with a blunt object around the middle of the tank while sombody is cranking the engine over, if the engine starts then you will definitly know it is the fuel pump, if it fails to start then you really have no choice but to tow it and have it properly diagnosed..