Ford Repair: 2000 Ford windstar fuses blowing, 2000 ford windstar, ford windstar

We have a windstar that blows fuses 6, 9, and 16, six began the problem had a jumper put in to over ride then one day 9 & 16 went out at the same time resulting in loss of power. When you hook up the battery the water in it boils and the gauges go nuts, we are unhooking the battery because the the dash light stays on. Also when 9 & 16 go out the lights stay on and a blower motor. My daughter is in the Air Force in electrical and will be leaving for a 1800 mile trip and hopes to get this fixed and drive it but we are stumped please help she is due to leave in two weeks.

hey there. From what i can tell, there is an Obviouse short circuit somewhere, A short circuit is where a power source wire finds a path to "ground" this will be impossible for me to tell you exactly what is wrong without looking at this,i would take this to a ford dealer ASAP to make sure you can get this vehicle back in time, just incase of special ordered parts, im sorry i can not be of much help, this is just impossible to solve without seeing it,
good luck and congrats on the air force