QuestionQUESTION: Hello I have a 1995 Ford Thunderbird 4.6 V8. The car runs great other than this loud knocking/tapping sound coming from under the driver side valve cover. No loss in power is noticed and engine runs strong. This ONLY happens when engine is HOT and has been driven about 4 miles. The noise does NOT go away once heated up, but if let the car sit a long time (over night) and start it again the noise is there but slowly goes away until heated up again.
I recently replaced all the lifters(lash adjusters)myself hoping that this would solve the problem but it did not. I opened the oil fill and the noise is definitely coming from there. Maybe the springs? Rocker Arms? Knocking only happens when engine is hot.
I know general engine mechanics and am open to anything you might know to remedy this knocking.
Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
ANSWER: hey there. this is definitly hard to tell you without actualy hearing the noise, because it can trully be anything that you have listed here. probably not rocker arms, but it could have a broken spring, which i typically dont see on the 4.6's but anything is possible. BUt if this noise goes away when it warms up then there may be a possiblitle of a plugged oil gallery somewhere in the head, or to one of the valve lifters, if you are not already using, try putting in 5w-20 oil, and see if this noise goes away, Ford actually recomends that this oil goes in all engines now anyhow.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hello just a clarification the noise is only there when the car warms up which puzzles me..
Answeroh sorry i must have misread that part.... it isn't odd that it is when warm, try then bumping it up a grade of oil or add Lucas oil stabilizer. if the noise goes away then it is a worn component, most typically a bearing, bearing noise can travel from the bottom and make it seem like its higher in the engine try this and get back to me..