Ford Repair: left break light doesnt work, ford f150 4x4, 1979 ford f150 4x4
Questioni have a 1979 ford f150 4x4 400ci auto the left break light stopped working and replacing the bulb did nothing the fuses look fine but now the instrument panel went dark no dash lights at all is there anything i can do without taking it to a mechanic. any help would help thanks
Answer79 models have as much problem with grounds as powers-probably a bad socket or connection on rear-this should not be a very expensive repair and it does need to be diagnosed so you don't run around in circles.
as far as the dash lights-they are fed from the headlight switch i think from a small brown wire but i don't have access to a 79 wiring diagram-the tail light won't be fuse related because the other one is working and they are fed from same fuse-but the dash lights are fuse and even though the fuse checks good the connection on end of fuses could be dirty i take them out and rub them with a rag or emory cloth and the tabs in fuse panel also. good luck.