Ford Repair: 04 Crown Vic common A/C problem...?, electronic climate control, heater hoses

QUESTION: Hi...Like many others, I had the A/C switching from floor to defrost, until it finally just stuck on defrost.   I have the electronic climate control, and have heard so many conflicting opinions that I am TOTALLY confused.

Do I need to replace this expensive damn control head, or is there a bad actuator or something?  This is driving me NUTZ...can you help?



ANSWER: number one anything i tell you would be a guess because it needs to be checked out but if i was guessing i would say you probably have a vacuum leak somewhere under the hood on the hose that goes into firewall-good luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your reply, and I understand about the guess...I won't hold you to anything...LOL

Can you give me more detail on where/how to identify the vacuum line you described?  There is a LOT of Spaghetti under this hood, and a diagram would be great if POSSIBLE...

I appreciate what you guys do, thank you for any help



i can get engine diagrams-but i haven't got one for the hose going inside to a/c you can find this by going to rear of engine area finding a small black and or white hose that goes in around heater hoses or around ac evaporator area-also look on rear of engine passenger side i think there is a hose with a rubber tee made into it and it will suck a hole it this hose. i have a 92 crown in the shop now if you will send me your email i will take a picture of the area and email it to you
my email is [email protected] you subject line put vacuum hose.