Ford Repair: 1978 mustang 2.3 liters 140 cid, lifetime warranty, check connections
QuestionI have replaced the starter several times. they all make a grinding sound, they skip, they stick at night sparks come from the area.
Answerfirst check connections and cable conditions-if you are getting sparks make sure the engine ground is good from battery to engine-then check condition of cable to starter very good-next pull starter and turn engine to check the teeth on the flywheel to make sure they are all ok-be sure and turn it all the way around as it don't take but one bad spot to ruin a starter-make sure u are using a top quality starter and by that i don't mean a lifetime warranty one at autozone-advance etc. forget lifetime warranty stuff that means absolutely nothing if you are using a top quality part/cables are good/flywheel is good you should not have a grinding. good luck.