Ford Repair: 1992 F-150 351 multiple codes - clear?, converter clutch, battery cables
1992 F-150 351 AOD
Started my truck after a few days, idle dropped, "check engine". Driving a few miles, loses acceleration, improved for a while, then problem returned.
Codes are: 122 TPS, 558 EGR, 629 Converter clutch, 626 coast clutch.
I disconnected battery for hours, same symptoms, all codes are still there, won't clear from disconnecting battery. how can I clear these codes?
Thanks, Larry
Answerthey won't clear because problem hasn't been fixed-taking battery cable off doesn't fix problems it just covers them up sometimes-if the check engine light hasn't been on and you just got all these codes at once then you may have an electrical problem-loose ground/shorted wire/shorted sensor or bad pcm these are just possibilities dont' run out and buy any parts-make sure battery cables are clean and tight-two of these codes are easy enough to check with a voltmeter but the trans codes are out of my area-but tps code may be related-take it and have a reputable garage check it out for you. good luck.