Ford Repair: 98 taurus battery/electrical problem, tauruses, electrical problem
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 98 Taurus SE 6cyl, 3.0 liter. I'm not gettign any power from the battery to the car. New battery with charge. Checked connections and fuses, still absolutely no juice. Started fine this AM, was dead after work.
ANSWER: if connections are good then check ignition switch.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Would a problem with the ignition switch affect the interior lights, radio, etc?
Answerdefinitely because ignition switch is powered from battery then it distributes main supply voltage to different places in car-98 tauruses did have problems with ignition switches also-be sure and use a good quality switch if it is needed-but you do need to double check your connections at battery and engine block-turn key on open door and go outside and wiggle cables listen for door chime while doing this if it makes noise your looking at connection problem.