Ford Repair: ford explorer factory alarm, train drives, alarm modules

My neighbor has a 97 or 98 Ford Explorer and has lost her alarm remote, and cannot disable the thing when it goes off, which is frequently.  She also cannot adjust its sensitivity.  I'm hoping to find out how to do this without having to take the thing to the dealer, because I'm pretty sure she will not do this.  It goes off when a train drives by several hundred yards away from our house.  It goes off when a motorcycle drives by the car. And it goes until it shuts off, which is five minutes.  Please tell me there's some way to fix this.  

   the only way would to be go under the dash and find the alarm modules and try to disable the alarm-then if the car got stolen whoever disconnected it could be liable if she complained best thing to do is got to dealer get new fob and have it programmed-other wise go to a garage pay about 5.00 for wiring diagram and disable the module under dash. passive module cavity 13 i think.