Ford Repair: 1999 Escort loses electrical power, battery cables, autozone

While driving the car the radio and lights go dead and the speedometer drops to zero and the engine revs down but still runs.  Then everything will return to normal for a few seconds and then repeats with the engine revving down even further before it returns to normal.  This will happen several times until the car dies.  After 15-20 minutes, the car will start and then the process repeats in about 10 minutes.  I have had the battery and alternator tested at Autozone and they appear to be OK.  What could cause these symptoms?

could be something getting hot and losing contact-start by checking battery cables to be clean and  tight-check ground on engine-if ok be suspicious of ignition switch next time it does this wiggle key back and forth see if anything comes back on-DO NOT TAKE FOR GRANTED SWITCH IS BAD HAVE IT CHECKED OUT. good luck