Ford Repair: gain horsepower?, hydrogen generator, fuel mileage
Questionhow could i make my 04 ford focus 2.0 gain horsepower with out buying after market things?
Answerfirst of all there is not much way that don't get expensive
i'm not much for aftermarket things-i am working on a hydrogen generator for my car and will post results as it comes along
this won't be a big change but if you are not using it already go to a synthetic lubricate like mobile one extended or amsoil this will give you a slight increase in horsepower and fuel mileage also and there is not many addons that can do both-is accomplishes this by reducing friction with the extended you can go 15,000 miles between changes with amsoil if you use their filter they say u can go 25,000 miles between changes-what i do is go 12,000 miles change the filter and go another 12,000 miles then change oil and filter-be sure and check your oil in case you use some which is a normal thing you can add conventional oil if you need two but then you can't run that mileage so buy some extra oil in case you need to add-also be sure and use one of those two and not a blend blends are not 100% synthetic but will say full synthetic on them which is a little misleading but they sued for that right.
make sure your tires/and filters and plugs are in good condition
you can order amsoil online at it is expensive but worth it
give it a try one time you won't be sorry i promise
i have an 02 focus that's what i run in it.