Ford Repair: Replace O2 Sensor on Ford E-250 4.9 Engine, catalytic converter, exhaust pipe

QUESTION: How to Replace the "O2 SENSOR" on a Ford E-250 4.9 Engine?
Thank you for your help!

ANSWER: Replacing any O2 sensor requires a specialty tool. You can either rent it or buy it from you're local parts store. I recommend getting their rental tool, it's the same price.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: O.K. You need a special tool, but where is the SENSOR and how you replace it ?

Depending on the year model, which indecently is needed. The sensor could be located in the exhaust pipe either before or after the catalytic converter. It threads in like a regular bolt into the exhaust pipe. The wires prevent the use of a regular socket hence the specialty tool. Now, if you have pulled a code(post 1996 model) and got something like bank 1 sensor 2. The sensor would be located on the drivers' side after the catalytic converter, for example. Pre-1996 models only have sensors before the catalytic converter.