QuestionQUESTION: Hi Mark
I own a 2003 windstar and had no real trouble until today. I started this van and it ran for about 3 seconds then shut off, I retried to start it again and it just cranked No-start, tried again and now all I get is a small click from the relay in the fuse box under the dash, tried jumping the starter with the key in the run position to test the starter and it cranked fine but still no-start. All dash lights work with the key on and when I turn it to the start position the lights go out like they should, Had my son try to start it while I had a test light on the starter but still not getting power to the cylenoied, I don't mind the ghost in the lighting system but this has me baffeled, I tried replaceing the relay under the hood in the outer fuse box but still to no avail, any help would be appricated also replaces ignition switch still no start wondering if it has something to do with secutity but dont know how to test it
ANSWER: do you have antitheft on this van-do you have another key you can try
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Tried second key with the same results, Traced wiring from starter to junction at firewall, checked wiring under outside fuse system, checked for shorts and frayed or broken wires behind a piler at left hand kick panel, there is a yellow wire with a green stripe running from the starter cylinoid up to the junction at the firewall. I seperated the junction and put a test lite in the hole that ran to the starter and turned the key to the start position to see if I got current, no luck. Would the computer or PCM stop the van from even cranking? figured if the computer went bad it would at least crank.
Answeryes a pcm can cause a no start-or antitheft system-if you have access to a scan tool it would be interesting to see if it would communicate
check small ground wire coming off negative side of battery if it has one-follow it down to a connector unplug and make sure it is clean
make sure connections at battery are tight and clean-other than that take to a reputable garage and good luck.