Ford Repair: ford bronko not starting, relay switch, delivery problem
Questionok heres the thing my truck wont star. first i changed the coil sparkplugs and the relay switch now the auto matic cut off switch i look the wires off and fused them together so they would be workin. and when i look off the out relay i go a piese of wire and stuck it in the plug and that make the fuel pump turn on and pump gas but now that i put the new relay in it it wont even pump the gas what is wrong
Answernumber one you shouldn't arbitrarily be jumping and bypassing wires if you didn't have a problem in that circuit you could have now what i mean is if you had a fuel delivery problem changing plugs/coil and relay was a waste of time and money and vise versa for a spark problem
when you just start doing things like that you cause problems for whoever has to straighten it out-please save yourself some time and money let someone reliable check out and repair your bronco and keep in mind you may have caused a problem you didn't have before.
ok even though you gave a sorry knowledge rating-and a 6 on timelyness
even though it only took a little over 20 minutes to answer your question i will try again.
first why was your truck not starting spark/fuel or out of time
first i know it is fuel injected because you fused inertia switch carb vehicles don't have inertia switches-and you jumped fuel pump relay again not on carb vehicles-fuel pump runs when relay jumped but is it getting a ground signal from ecm to energize relay-did you get a cheap relay from az or adv etc.-is your power relay working to energize fuel pump relay-if pump wasn't running when you started why did you change plugs and coil-if pump was running why did you fool with it? if you have or had fuel do you have injector pulse triggered by pick-up coil in distributor or crank/cam sensor since it is a bronco i am guessing it has a distributor but you didn't give me any info even though it specifically says in my instructions give me year/make and model you have to meet us halfway because any given question could have several possibilities but you expect me to give you and answer to hey my truck don't run i throwed a hundred dollars worth of parts at it-cut my wires and jumped some things whats wrong with it!!!! you are.